Power Programmierung
Power-Programmierung CD 2 (Tewi)(1994).iso
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This is your introduction to the MIR Tutorial series.
It attempts to answer the questions: What? For whom? Why? How?
The "How" takes the form of interactive publishing in which you are
invited to contribute. Part of our aim is to make the MIR computer
indexing and retrieval techniques widely available, so we include
in full the Free Software Foundation's GNU General Public License.
This license provides the legal means to ensure there is the
maximum freedom (and minimum restriction) for all who wish to
understand, use, and further develop techniques of computerized
These tutorials are about people and information.
People need information. The MIR (Mass Indexing and Retrieval)
project has one objective: to make available leading edge
technology which may be used to enable people to find information
quickly and easily within large quantities of computerized data.
The technology is being shared through this introduction plus five
sets of tutorials, each accompanied by software with source code.
The tutorial series subtitle is "Finding Information in
a Gigabyte World". A gigabyte is 1,073,741,824 characters of data.
Visualize a stack of computer paper 140 feet high, or a library of
500 books, or 10,000 hours of reading. More and more, it is
becoming commonplace for people to search through quantities of
data of that magnitude. The one certainty is that no-one ever wants
to read through a pile like that, even at computer speeds, in order
to find an item of information. So our focus in this project is on
computerized indexing and retrieval techniques. Well designed
index structures and logic can reduce time for a complex search
down to seconds or a fraction of a second.
The Mass Indexing and Retrieval project got under way
in March, 1991. A freeware introduction was published late in May
1992. The first of five sets of "tutorials" based on the research
was released as shareware in July 1992. 25 software tools for data
analysis, complete with source code, were placed on CompuServe and
Canada Remote Systems BBS. We plan to release each of the
remaining four tutorials with related programs according to demand.
That is, Tutorial TWO will be released when there have been 1,000
shareware registration fees paid for Tutorial ONE, Tutorial THREE
will be released when there have been 1,000 registrations for
Tutorial TWO, etc. When all five tutorials have been released, we
hope to publish a reference text based on the series. Each
tutorial has eight or more sections, and invites inputs from
All materials are copyright, but permission is given to
copy and further distribute any of them. The freeware introduction
and the shareware tutorial text may not be changed in any way. The
software may be freely used, revised, and further distributed
within the terms of Free Software Foundation's GNU General Public
What is meant by "interactive" tutorials? I believe
that many minds are better than one, and that everybody gains
through "open architecture" sharing. The quality of the final
software and the final published version of the tutorials will be
improved by your questions and suggestions. I encourage you to
share technical insights, ideas, clearer wording, source code
amendments and even whole new programs. I look to you in
particular to expand the range of worked examples; send in real
world data that may be included. (While we have worked on hundreds
of different databases, you may be able to come up with other
interesting challenges.) Tutorials are meant to be a dialogue.
This to me is the exciting part of a learning situation... the more
people pitch in with their ideas, and the more enthusiasm they
show, the more everybody learns (including the teacher!)
Watch for sections like this in the interactive
═════>> QUESTION:
Are you with me so far? I may be too close to this
stuff, and assume that you should know what is in my
mind. What parts need clarification? Send in your
comments. Make a copy of the RESPONSE file which comes
with the software. Fill in the relevant sections, and
identify any other files that you are sending. The
RESPONSE file contains the FAX and e-mail numbers and
the mail address. If sending anything lengthy by
normal post, please put it on a PC-compatible diskette.
We continue with an overview of each of the five
tutorials and of the final cumulative publication.
1.1 Tutorial ONE...
Database Analysis
═════>> QUESTION:
Contest!! "Database Analysis" is a humdrum title. We
could use snappy headings for everything... for the
tutorials, the topics within each, and even individual
sections. Maybe our Table of Contents could be as neat
as Jerry Weinberg's The Secrets of Consulting... "The
Law of the Jiggle", "The Edsel Edict", "The Bigness is
Not the Horse", and so on like that. Make notes as you
read, and send in a batch of headings.
[ This section is copied from topic 1.2 in the first
The purpose of MIR Tutorial ONE is to enable you to
analyze computerized data from an indexing perspective.
The first topic, source code guidelines, explains the
perspectives that have been built into the software that is
provided with the tutorials. People who wish to improve on the
technology are shown how to share their insights and C language
source code.
Methods of data gathering affect the cost, the quality
and the complexity of the task of indexing. An index adds value to
data, so we pay attention to some marketing considerations.
Data analysis has to do with recognizing various forms
in which data is accumulated, and detecting the inconsistencies
(common in large sets of data) that make indexing more challenging.
Data format offers possibilities and imposes limitations that will
face searchers who wish to extract information. How might the data
be structured in a way that better suits the needs of searchers?
The reader is provided with a variety of software tools for this
critical data analysis function.
The ability to identify patterns in byte sequences
quickly is critical to keeping indexing costs low. We examine a
series of software tools for this purpose.
Worked examples are provided of the analysis stage.
These topics are at a "nuts and bolts" level... use such and such
a program, here is the input, here is the output, and here is what
the results mean. The sequence is from simplest to most complex...
simple ASCII text, ASCII with markup, fielded text, fixed length
records, the addition of packed numbers, then various forms of
binary data
Data deblocking is explained at this stage since it may
be required in order to finish analysis of the data.
At the end of TUTORIAL ONE, the participant has
detailed exposure to the techniques of data analysis, and is able
to use a selection of analysis tools (source code provided) to
recognize and interpret a wide range of data types.
1.2 Tutorial TWO...
Secrets of Data Preparation
The first topic sets out a simple ASCII text format
which makes data suitable for automated indexing. Careful planning
of data sequence and layout can speed up response to search
requests. What the searcher sees later depends on a series of
decisions made during data preparation.
Example: What is to be the unit of search (article,
paragraph, computer record, a fixed length record, etc.)? A second
topic delves into other issues in data organization: the use of
invisible fields, pointers, parameter controls, data that must
remain accessible to other software and the handling of multimedia
Standard Generalized Markup Language enhances the end
user's ability to control layouts of records found during search.
It may be embedded in data without hindering automated indexing.
We look at how to distinguish flexible versus fixed display, how to
handle oversize tables, etc.
Data preprocessing describes the task of converting
data to a standardized production format. In some cases, it's
easy. If the analysis has been thorough, there should be few
surprises. Yet experience shows that setting up the preprocessing
sequence can still be the most expensive aspect of all. We look at
a series of standardized tools to make the job easier and more
Worked examples show how to use combinations of
standardized tools and custom software. We look at how to extract
data from several kinds of typesetting codes. This section is
intended to be as practical as possible, so readers are invited to
submit sample real world data.
One of the surprises for you in this tutorial is a
detailed analysis of why compression before indexing makes more
sense than would at first appear. The standardized ASCII layout
can be used as an intermediate step toward a compressed version
which greatly increases the indexing capacity of a personal
computer. We examine some integerizing techniques and software.
At the end of TUTORIAL TWO, the user can make decisions
about the layout of data, and implement those decisions using a
variety of data conversion tools. Source code for these tools is
provided with TUTORIAL TWO. You will have been exposed to issues
in writing custom data conversion tools. The user is able to
compress large databases into integerized format, in order to make
it practical to index them on a personal computer.
1.3 Tutorial THREE...
Keys to Automated Indexing
Indexing basics start with an explanation of index
formats, and how they may be combined through Boolean logic. We
look at grouping indexes within separate field lists, and also at
how to tag index items within a global index list.
The topics on search term selection show how to go
beyond simple word indexing to enable search on word fragments,
phrases, topics and numeric or date ranges. Files are created for
each "field" in a database. We look at means to upgrade these
field files and to ensure strict quality control over the indexes.
Specialized index preparation leads us into "fuzzy
search" of alternate verb forms (search on "is", calls up "were",
"shall be", "was", "isn't", "to be", etc.) and nouns (possessives,
plurals, etc.) Search on synonyms and correlates is related; the
power depends on how much context is taken into account to
distinguish homonyms... words of one spelling with radically
different meanings. Pattern indexing provides extra speed where
the searcher may specify extended word sequences. The issue of
"relevance" of found records carries the discussion further into
automated subject recognition.
Automated indexing is critical to limiting costs; one
efficient set of software programs (called an "inversion engine")
can be used to build the indexes for virtually any data originally
expressed in alphabetic letters, digits, and other keyboard
characters. The structure of the index is critical to how quickly
the retrieval software can perform Boolean combinations... ((this-
word OR that-phrase) AND something else AND NOT another term). The
automated indexing software creates indexes in a format geared to
high speed Boolean operations when used for search.
We look at software (source code provided) for two
"inversion engines", one using strings, the other working from
integerized data.
At the end of TUTORIAL THREE, the user is familiar with
the tools necessary to set up and create computer indexes,
tailoring the index types according to the needs of searchers in
the target database.
1.4 Tutorial FOUR...
Search Engines and
Information Retrieval
This is the most technical of the five tutorials.
Everything up to this point has been the concern of the indexer.
Now we turn to the "run time" or retrieval software. Retrieval
describes the search process... specifying a search, performing
Boolean logic on combinations of terms, identifying data that meets
the search criteria, and making the selected data available to the
Under the topic dealing with Search Engine Servers, we
review an SFQL (Structured Full Text Query Language) server which
is provided with TUTORIAL FOUR. Alternate server options (CD-RDx
et al) will be reviewed.
Search Engine Client (interface) software is
deliberately left outside the "copyleft" software set; no single
interface can encompass the range of features desirable for all
data types and search situations. We comment on current issues in
Search extensions include:
» optimization of index structures;
» search across multiple databases at a time; and
» dynamic definition of search objects.
By the end of TUTORIAL FOUR, the user has available the
know-how and software to analyze, prepare, index, and provide
search capability for a diverse range of data types and search
requirements. Any engine-independent interface built to SFQL
specifications may be used to implement search at high speed across
large quantities of data.
1.5 Tutorial FIVE...
Related Topics and Applications
The list of related topics and applications will
continue to grow, based on reader comments on earlier tutorials.
Our experience in CD-ROM preparation has already led us to include
the following areas of interest:
» Very often desired text or records are not found,
because the words and phrases used to describe the
target are not present. Automated concept recognition
gets around the problem. Automated key word selection
is a related method that reduces costs in preparing an
index, and increases the power of search.
» Encryption: We believe that encryption merely dissuades
the idle browser and raises costs to the determined
criminal. We discuss straight-forward methods that
serve these purposes admirably. Even where the
technique is known, it takes an inordinate amount of
computer time for the thief to identify the seed
» Data cleaning combines the benefits of indexing with
spell checking to enable low cost cleanup of massive
» Records and Information Management (RIM) is a full
discipline in its own right. The technology and
plummeting costs of full text archiving is bringing
about a revolution in RIM philosophy and methods of
records retention. There are some simple tricks that
can be applied to archiving with spectacular results.
» Correlation studies using indexed retrieval and high
speed Booleans can change the nature of research. A
cell in a correlation table turns out to be a search
count. Mainframe, move aside. The PC is here.
1.6 The MIR Tutorials:
The Book and CD-ROM
As the five interactive tutorials are released there
will be an ongoing revision and updating process. This will
reflect your responses and improvements on the content, and
encompass many of the samples and suggestions that you have made.
The first four reworked tutorials will be put together with
Tutorial FIVE and be published as an ongoing reference work. We
will decide closer to the final publication date whether the final
version will be
» loose-leaf, or
» bound as a reference or text book, and/or
» electronic (ASCII, WordPerfect, and PageMaker
files) on a CD-ROM.
Whatever the form of the tutorial text, all programs, source code
and worked examples will be supplied on a CD-ROM.
1.7 Timing of successive releases
The major unknown in the Mass Indexing and Retrieval
project is the readiness of the marketplace to deal with copyleft
and the notion that, through sharing, the benefits of $800,000 in
development can be picked up for less than $500. This is the old
marketing problem of perception of value. We are taking the risk
of volume shareware pricing; we are betting that there are enough
people in the field who can recognize value based on the
introduction and the first tutorial. Marpex Inc. reserves the
right to discontinue the project if there is insufficient demand.
As mentioned earlier, we plan to release each tutorial
according to demand for the previous tutorial. Tutorial TWO will
be released when there have been 1,000 shareware registrations of
Tutorial ONE, Tutorial THREE will be released when there have been
1,000 registrations of Tutorial TWO, etc. At the same time as a
Tutorial is released, the related software will be placed on BBS
(bulletin board systems) under "copyleft" redistribution rules.
What about organizations with a burning need to proceed
faster than the general market? Software may be made available
prior to the release dates for alpha site testing by registered
users who get actively involved and contribute their improvements.
For others, we do offer consulting services.
1.8 Summary
This completes our introduction to the series of five
tutorials on how to enable people to retrieve information from
large accumulations of data. Related high speed indexing and
retrieval software is being distributed under the "copyleft" rules
of the Free Software Foundation. Interactive publishing enables
you to:
» study the techniques in the tutorials and examples;
» put the source code to use, personally or commercially,
without payment of license fees;
» further develop the computer source code; and
» contribute your insights.